NRS Zen Rescue PFD
The NRS Zen PFD is a low-profile rescue jacket with all the features essential to assist guides and experienced paddlers in a swiftwater rescue situation. Coastguard Approved.
NRS Chinook Fishing PFD
With pockets for all your tackle, attachment points for your tools and an integrated rod holder, the Chinook PFD is much more than a safety aid.
NRS Frame adjustable dry box Mount
Tired of your drybox being too high or too low? Fine-tune the height of your drybox to the perfect elevation with NRS Adjustable Drybox Mounts.
Tuff Sack
Drop your gear in the bag, fold down that watertight closure and forget about it. Professional outfitters around the globe rely on NRS Tuff Sacks to keep gear dry all season long, season after season.
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